
"R.K. Faulhaber is something of a mysterious figure, looming around Mr. Waldron's irr. app. (ext.) recordings and performances while keeping his own work a hermetic secret."

    -  https://www.helenscarsdale.com/haynes/press/sleepingmoustachewords.htm

"R K Faulhaber has been composing, producing, and performing works for over 20 years. In the mid-80′s to early 90′s he produced a number of rare cassettes containing his sonic compositions for, but not limited to, electronic music."

    -  https://sf.funcheap.com/strange-performance-art-free-vegan-pancakes-mission-dist/

"Contrary to what most internet searches turn up, R.K. Faulhaber is not a mysterious figure at all. For a quarter century he has been composing and recording his own music which he has managed to keep almost exclusively to himself. Though largely self-taught, he has studied electro-acoustic composition with Barry Schrader and David Behrman at Cal-Arts, music engineering technology at Cogswell Polytechnical College and electronic music at De Anza College.

"Rarely playing solo, he has performed in such ensembles as irr. app. (ext.), Xambuca, Nurse With Wound, Vacuum Tree Head and others. He has also collaborated with his sons on two shadow puppet performances. Steve Stapleton and Matt Waldron have been trying to pull him out of obscurity but have thus far been unsuccessful."

"Been listening to versions of the new R.K. Faulhaber from Helen Scarsdale for months. Really wanted to say something sooner about this masterpiece. Everything is constructed entirely from digital synthesizers without any external effects or processing."
     - https://decaycast.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/decaycast-essential-listening-dan-kletter-shares-favorite-new-releases-0f-2021/

Xambuca and RK Faulhaber

    - https://www.erototox.com/rk-faulhaber-xambuca