All apparent noise in SEG (hiss, pops, drop-outs, crackling and distortion) is 100% intentional.
The sound material in SEG was synthesized between September 21st and October 1st of 2006 using Adobe Audition 1.0. A seed file was generated which then gave rise to all other sound material through an evolutionary process. Some source files retain similar textural characteristic. Others differ greatly from prior generations. The thirty-eight source files that make up SEG lay forgotten until late in 2010 when I listened to them with fresh ears.
SEG - the three letter identifier for the sound files that make up this piece was chosen arbitrarily.
SEGment - a finite portion of a line between two points.
SEGue - a smooth transition from one section to the next.
SEG may be envisioned as a segment of a continuum.
That continuum exits prior to the onset of SEG and exists after its conclusion. In this way, SEG represents and Infinite Form.
SEG contains segments and segues. The endpoints of some segments are more evident than others. Some segments within SEG abut others, one ending abruptly at the instant the next begins. Other segments within SEG have endpoints which overlap.
The organization, evolution and behavior of segments in SEG mimics the modern electrical grid. Multiple streams of segments were laid down initially. Connections were made between those streams. Over time, some connections were broken and new transitions were made. Segments were lengthened or shortened to accommodate the introduction of other segments. Some connections between segments were bold and strong, others weak and less significant. In the end, SEG appears to be a stream of a few larger segments with clearly defined connections composed of many shorter segments, many of which overlap or abut one another with a less distinctive order.
Big thanks to Jesse Burson for resurrecting my original liner notes after I had inadvertently {or intentionally) destroyed them.